Guided Coping Skills Videos for Kids and Teens

Resilient kids are able to handle life’s ups and downs. You can help the kids and teens in your life build resilience by teaching them how to identify and express their emotions, communicate, and manage stress in healthy ways. Check out our resources and learn how you can develop resilience in kids of all ages.

Nobody is born knowing how to manage, or cope with, feelings and stress. That’s why kids need grown-ups to teach them healthy coping skills, or strategies they can use to calm their bodies and minds. Help them by introducing and practicing healthy coping strategies, like the ones in these videos.

In the same way we want our kids to be physically well, we also want them to be emotionally well—to be resilient in the face of life’s ups and downs. But they need our help. Learn simple parenting tips you can practice every day to build your child’s resilience.