6 Signs Your Baby Is Full
It’s tempting to want your baby to finish that last bit of breastmilk or formula, or to want them to eat more if they've had less than usual, but it’s important to recognize that they know when they've had enough. Your baby was born that way. By encouraging our babies to keep eating when they are full, we are teaching them to ignore their bodies’ hunger and fullness cues.
Trust that your baby knows how much they need, and remember that their hunger can change from day to day and feeding to feeding.
In this article:

6 signs your baby might be full
- Turning away from your nipple or a bottle
- Starting to play, appearing easily distracted or disinterested in feeding
- Beginning to cry shortly after feeding starts
- Relaxing their fingers, arms and/or legs
- Slowing his sucking
- Starting to fall asleep (see section below for more details)

Your baby may be full if he falls asleep while eating
In the early weeks, some newborns are sleepy and need help staying awake to eat. If your baby is younger than a month and hasn’t eaten in a few hours, try keeping them awake long enough to eat by:
- Undressing them
- Wiping their forehead or feet with a damp cloth
- Playing with their feet and/or hands
- Talking to them
Once your doctor has said your baby is gaining weight well, it’s OK to let your baby fall asleep before they finish eating. It’s probably a sign they're full. Just follow their lead on when to feed.