The Truth About Sugar in Kids Drinks
As a parent, you want to give your kids nutritious food and drinks, but sometimes it’s harder to spot the unhealthy dangers than you might imagine. Especially when it comes to drinks. Kids’ drinks can be like liquid candy, loaded with sugar. Learn the nutrition facts about their favorite sugary drinks and discover the healthy alternatives.
In this article:

Sugar content in juice
Juice comes from fruit, so it’s healthy—right? Not exactly. The sugar in fruit is natural, but it’s still sugar. And there’s a lot of it in juice (even 100% fruit juice!).
Tip: Instead of juice, serve the whole fruit. Unlike juice, the actual fruit has more nutrients like fiber.

Sugar content in vitamin-enhanced water
You probably know soda isn’t healthy, but what about vitamin-enhanced water? It’s full of sugar too! Don’t let their marketing mislead you. Check the label and see just how much sugar these drinks contain.
Tip: Freeze mashed fruit and water in ice cube trays. Add the frozen cubes to your water for an ice-cold drink that gets sweeter as the ice melts.

Sugar content in sweet tea
Sweet tea may be a staple in Georgia, but drinking just one sweet tea a day is similar to eating more than 162 boxes of cream-filled cookies a year.
Tip: Cut the amount of sugar you add or ask for half sweet/half unsweet tea when you’re at a restaurant.

Sugar content in fruit punch
Does your child love fruit punch? It’s the worst offender, packing a walloping 18 teaspoons of sugar per glass! Knock out sugar overload with homemade flavored water.
Tip: Try homemade flavored water by adding slices of fruits, veggies or herbs to water so kids can enjoy a sweet drink without the sugar punch.

Sugar content in soda
Drinking just one 20-ounce bottle of soda a day for a year is the equivalent of eating 6,570 cookies or 61 pounds of sugar!
Tips: Offer healthy choices: “Which would you like, milk or water?” And if you’re craving a soda at a restaurant, make it a small with no refills. After that, try water instead.