Raising Resilience in Middle Schoolers

In this article:
Connecting with your middle schooler
As your middle schooler becomes more independent and spends more time with peers, you may not feel as close to them as you used to be. By intentionally making time for regular connection, you’re giving your child a chance to talk about what’s on their mind, express their feelings and share their needs.
Teaching your child about limits, screen time and safety
Your child may be learning to handle new levels of independence and all that comes with it. It’s not only natural, but it’s also important for kids to flex those independent muscles (e.g., trying things on their own)—it builds confidence! At the same time, kids this age are still struggling with impulse control, problem-solving and decision-making. They need our help learning appropriate limits and expectations.
Helping your child handle new experiences and feelings
As kids continue to grow and develop, they face new situations and experience new feelings. While your middle schooler might act as though they don’t need your help, they do! They still need help learning how to identify, express and cope with their feelings in healthy ways. Understanding how they feel gives kids a sense of control and helps them manage stress.
Resilience Resources
Use these resources to work on raising resilience with the children in your life.